Axel Valencia
"How about I smash your head on the counter until that fucking piercing on your pussy like nose bleeds!"
We all look to the side, finding where the voice came from only to spot uncle Zane and James, both giving death glares at Alvin who now had a visible abnormal paleness on his face like all the color on his body had been sucked out.
"What? Cat got your tongue?" Uncle asked mockingly at the guy while striding towards me and his son with James following behind. The moment they went beside us, uncle wrap an arm on his son's tiny waist in instinct like it's a daily action or gesture which I don't doubt since he is a touchy and affectionate father, but only to his 2nd youngest son, that's for sure.
"Ahh, I--who are yo-you?" Alvin fucker questioned them, clearly attempting to sound confident and not affected by the glares the two are sending towards him but his voice betrayed him.
"You still have the fucking courage to asked that huh but okay, let's have it your way. I am Zane 'Malcohm' MacMillan, Son of Zachary MacMillan and Claudine 'Malcohm' MacMillan, who are the one and only owners of MacMillan Corp. that I inherited. You, who might you be and how fucking thick is your face to point out that this man here," uncle points at me. "Is not worthy of my son?"
"W-wait? Ma-Ma-MacMil-Millan?" The fucker’s by now eyes are now wide open you could be scared because his eyes look like it's about to fall out.
"Yo-you ca-can't u-unde-der-stand o-or yo-you are ju-just de-deaf?" James made fun of the fucker by mimicking his stutter and I heard Cal giggle cutely which made me sigh and groan a little. He's lucky we're in public or I might already shove my cock in his mouth by now.
You may think by now that I'm weird because I still have the time to get horny during this scene but who won't when you have a living barbie doll that needs to be impregnated and don't worry, my body is more than ready to supply gallons of semen if I need injecting on that WAP!
"What? You can't release some words out of that dirty ass mouth surrounded by yellow teeth? Who the fuck are you to think that you are worthy of my boyfriend more than me? You even look like you can't fuck a cunt with that body and I will not be surprised if you have a tiny Winnie pooh under that pants." I stated and I don't give a fuck if my mother or any other family member of ours except uncle and James hear me calling Cal boyfriend, I would just tell them that someone is trying to harass him.
"He-hey! You can't say that! I'm proud of my average-sized cock and this dick can make anyone scream!" He defended. I just smirk at him before going forward then leaning in his dirty ear.
"Well too bad, my boyfriend loves surprises and you having an average peepee won't satisfy him. He prefers mine;11 inches, juicy, thick, and veiny." I whispered which made him fume based on his reaction.
"Why you--!"
"Try laying a finger on him I would cut your arm with a chainsaw and cut your dick with a cutter then I fuck your dirty asshole with it!" Uncle growled, in a defending stance in front of Cal just in case hell would come loose.
With that, the fucker is now having second thoughts but finally decided to back down and by the looks of his face that is full of irritation, he doesn't back down in fights, just this.
"Aaahh! You fucker, you're lucky you have sidekicks beside you because I swear to god, I'm going to punch you!" He roared at my face before storming away, outside.
All the people that are near us stare at us; most are wearing confused looks.
"Well, that's lovely. We just got here 15 minutes ago and Calvin already got a fucking admirer! You know sometimes, how I wish Calvin had a flaw on the face so that no men would ask for his motherfucking number!" James exclaimed, rolling his eyes at the retreating figure of the fucker before looking at us, Calvin to be specific. "Oh, how I wish I could suck that bottom lip of yours right now baby."
"James stop it!" Dad scolded when he saw the beauty itself getting shy with a red face. "Let's go, we need to start this up because we still have many places to go on our list!" He added when he looked up from his watch.
And that's what we did. We went to the others who are standing on the fence, looking at the snowboarding people.
Well, took you long enough! I'm impatient you know!" Anna, Cal's sister, and my cousin said, grabbing one of the snowboards from James' grasp then pulling Sofie with her, the dilly dally best friend.
The others then followed suit, picking up a snowboard then running off to the other side of the fence with the parents following behind their little children.
I look at Cal beside me and found uncle Zane whispering something in his son's ears that are dirty talk, which could be the reason for Cal's blushing.
"Hey man, let's go! I've been wanting to slide that steep hill since earlier!" I felt James' arm draping on my shoulder as he pulls me along with him which I didn't protest of course since I am also wanting to experience it, and also to impress my baby.
Arriving at the top, I lay the board on the snow and prepared my manly self for this first try. James seemed excited because he's already mounted on his board.
"You seem happy," I informed him which he acknowledges and returned it with a wide genuine smile.
"I am never this happy ever since Calvin started ignoring me. He was my happy pill, my brother, my best friend. But now, there's an addition, his lover. I never expected that in this very Christmas, I could receive the most wonderful gift of all, and the only gift I'm not letting go, is Calvin being my lover and him accepting me again after all I've done to him." He narrates to me with a non-faltering smile.
And without a doubt, it made me happy that they got back together as brothers that are now, lovers and it did not make me jealous when he is talking about him and Cal because even though he is also my baby's lover,
he's also mine and that's enough for me, for now at least because I will never be contented as long as Calvin is still not carrying my last name.
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